Indianans, DONT' forget and go into Illinois with your guns
(too old to reply)
2004-09-01 16:23:42 UTC

"Mildred Rose Randall, 42, of RR2, Box 145, Spencer, Ind., was charged
with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon while trying to enter
Six Flags Great America Aug. 20. Randall was found to have a 5-shot .357
magnum gun in her cargo pants. According to the police report, the gun
was not in a case, and was fully loaded. Randall showed police a gun
permit from Indiana, though police could not confirm its authenticity.
She was held for a bond hearing."
You would think that if someone forgot to take the gun from their purse,
and they did have a valid permit from Indiana, where they did pass a
background check, that the cops would be a bit more lenient.

Cops are all for the criminalization of the entire population. It
insures that their jobs will be secure and that their numbers will only
grow and their political and social muscle will become even more
powerful. These days, thanks to the Justice Department passing out
military weapons to the police forces, there is little difference
between a police force and the military. I guess this is how they
planned their way around the Posse Comitatus law.

"Title 18 US Code, PART I, Chapter 67, § 1385, The Posse Comitatus Act

§ 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized
by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the
Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the
laws shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than
two years, or both. "

The bull dyke bitch Janet Reno broke this law at Waco. She's the same
mean, bull dyke bitch who sent the swat team into a house to take away
a 5 year-old-child from his relatives and shipped him back to Cuba.

Then there is the matter of Ruby Ridge. The guy who shot the pregnant
woman who was holding her baby, got the departments medal of honor a few
years later after things cooled down. The notice in the Chicago Tribune
appeared on page 2367. (A bit of an exaggeration, but the liberal media
did all it could to barely publish the fact.)

Oh, well, the idea of an "America" did last for a little while. However,
in a country where a rich man (Kerry), so far has raised a 1/4 of a
billion dollars to run for President, it is obvious that country is
being sold down the drain, right out from under the average citizen.
(No I ain't letting Bush off the hook. Just another rich guy who got
bored and wanted to be President.)

marty12 at cotse dot net

Purdue liberals are trying to take your carry rights away through the
deception of "better guns laws."

John (French) Kerry sponsors new assault weapon bill
(Kiss your semi-autos good-by)
2004-09-05 22:30:46 UTC
Post by marty12
You would think that if someone forgot to take the gun from their purse,
and they did have a valid permit from Indiana, where they did pass a
background check, that the cops would be a bit more lenient
Except for one thing: Illinois is *not* gun-friendly, and
certainly does not recognize Indiana CHLs. She fucked up
in a major way doing this.
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2004-09-07 01:37:21 UTC
On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 22:30:46 GMT, Asmodeus
Post by Asmodeus
Post by marty12
You would think that if someone forgot to take the gun from their purse,
and they did have a valid permit from Indiana, where they did pass a
background check, that the cops would be a bit more lenient
Except for one thing: Illinois is *not* gun-friendly, and
certainly does not recognize Indiana CHLs. She fucked up
in a major way doing this.
However, the fact that she was not any kind of felon with a record, and
she did have a valid Indiana permit, should have been a mitigating
circumstance. Much like the Indiana Congressman who forgot that he had a
gun in his suitcase when he arrived at the airport for his flight. He
was given probation, which is kind of ridiculous that it had to go that

This nonsense again points up how they have made enough laws to the
point of criminalizing the average citizen who commits a faux pas and
not a "real" crime. However, if you are a cop groupie with a cop's sense
of "control," then you, too, would throw an innocent into the system
without hesitation.
2004-09-09 11:31:02 UTC
Post by m***@hotmail.com
This nonsense again points up how they have made enough laws to the
point of criminalizing the average citizen who commits a faux pas and
not a "real" crime. However, if you are a cop groupie with a cop's sense
of "control," then you, too, would throw an innocent into the system
without hesitation.
I didn't say Illinois laws' were just. And apparently you
haven't read anything from me, or you wouldn't make such
an erroneous accusation. Sure, she should have been able
to carry. Absolutely. I'm the last person on the planet
who would argue against that. But as long as we live in
this anti-gun climate, it's only common sense to look up
the state's gun laws before carrying one there.

Btw, I don't know what a "cop groupie" is. My neighbor
is a policeman. I support the police. I'm definitely a
law and order kinda guy, like most conservative Second
Amendment advocates.
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