Post by Ralph MoweryPost by Rusty ShacklefordPost by Cole Firearms Inc.In a way, that is convenient to know everyone who has had their Rights
What rights were violated? It's a matter of public record.
Yes, it is public record but there are some things that are labled public
record that maybe should not be. I just bought a house and the paper
published the price I payed for it and it can be found on the internet. I
don't think it is anybodys business what I actually payed for it, but by
being on the public record anyone can look it up. While researching the
house I was looking at it surprised me that the woman was devoiced and it
listed all the terms of the devoice. People would be surprised what is
public record. Maybe it is time for some of the public record laws to be
It's not quite the same. All land and property sales are public records
because they are taxed. People need to know how much they are being
taxed in relation to neighbors.
Some newspapers have stopped publishing birth announcements because it
violated the privacy of the new mother. These people are private
citizens, with no celebrity, fame, or political involvement. They can't
have such personal information released such as organizations they
belong or Personal financial information, as examples. There are many
laws which restrict what newspapers can print.
Those few people who see no problem with publishing private information
on CCW holders are most likely anti Gun people relishing in the harm the
newspapers are doing to the Rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.
""Sic Semper Tyrannis" - Thus Always with Tyrants - John Wilkes Booth"
"Per ardua nec flectitur nec mutat. Confido,
est voluntas dei, invictus maneo. Addere leci justitiam
deo certavi et vici." - Rev. Shawn Cole, Cole Firearms Inc.